Shout by Alex

Almost Human 2013

Shout by Alex

Wow, they just cancelled it. What the f*cking hell?!
I mean sure, it wasn't as good as the first episode made me believe and the fact that they botched the episode order AND didn't have much of a continuing storyline made it all the worse... but seriously? Ratings weren't that bad comparing it to other FOX shows so wow... this really came as a surprise.

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Yeah, they seemed really committed to making this one work. Even though it had a rough start (typical of FOX shows trying to build a broad audience) it really improved at the end. This had actual potential. Disappointing.

This whole thing is classic FOX though. List all your favourite TV shows cancelled by FOX here:

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I just realised they cancelled it, and I'm.. D: I really liked this one, and it was FOX show.. /sigh
