Review by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 2

2x19 Alex

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-05-02T06:23:48Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:01:41Z

Fucking hell. This is how you make a great episode! I'm a pathetic pile of mush on the floor right now.

I am so happy that we finally got some much needed Kara/Maggie interaction. These two had barely exchanged a dozen words before this episode. I obviously didn't like the conflict between them - I just want everyone to get along and be friends, really - but it worked out in the end, so it's fine.

As much as I love Kara, Maggie was totally right and had some very good points: Kara completely ignored everything she had to say and fucked things up in the process, all because she was too impulsive and impatient to stop for a second and consider that maybe her ideas are not always the best and that occasionally it's good to listen to other people. Kara was stubborn and reckless, and Maggie had every right to call her out on that. And not just when they were working to save Alex, but at the beginning of the episode too. There are situations where Supergirl is the only one who can save the day, but that wasn't one of them. She should've let the police handle it. Maggie is very passionate about her job, and Kara crashing through the roofs and beating up bad guys hurts her job because it allows said bad guys to get off on technicalities. Kara's childish refusal to acknowledge the obvious flaws in her approach to catching criminals was very annoying.

While we're on the subject of annoying, I'm ready to fight anyone who claims that Kara's relationship with Alex is more important than Maggie's. Yes, the Danvers sisters are the heart of the show, there's no doubt about it. But Alex was so focused on putting Kara first her whole life that she didn't even figure out she liked girls until she was 28. Maggie was the one who helped her understand herself and put Alex first for a change. She's also Alex's first serious romantic partner. Just because Maggie's loved Alex for a shorter amount of time than Kara doesn't make her love any less valid. Neither relationship is more important than the other. They're equally meaningful and life-changing to Alex.

Alex is such a badass. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time during her scenes. I literally held my breath with her when that tank filled with water.

I'm still in shock that my baby Maggie, sweet soft Hufflepuff Maggie, finally got the amount of screentime she deserved. And Floriana's acting was on fire. I cried like a little bitch. She was so damn good.

And those Sanvers scenes? Don't even fucking talk to me. I'm pretty sure I died and went to gay heaven. They love each other! They want to have a lifetime of firsts together! They want to get a dog together and give it an ugly-ass name! I am in a state of complete and utter euphoria. What a pure ship.

Oh, Lena and Rhea were there too, for some reason. That's cool, I guess?

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