I liked this Saw-trap episode. It was so good to see the bond between Kara and Maggie grow (finally). The only thing I disliked was the ending. It could've been a lot better. So "there's one place" ok where? Oh, just a massive warehouse. I enjoyed it though being quite predictable. The reversal talk/punch could be seen a mile ago.

And, wait a minute! The entire DEO knows Kara is Supergirl!? That's like dozens of people!

Revolving around the future of Kara and what she means to the world, I just see one flaw. She's not Superman. It's not you have your powers for a reason and you need to be in that spot at a particular time because you know, you were meant for this. Kara is different, she has a power and decides to use it to help people, to bring justice when no one can. She really needs a support network and know when to ask for help. Maggie and J'onn were there and yet, they say she shouldn't have rushed. Kara and J'onn have the power of Gods and yet that Rick guy spent almost 36 hours without his brain being melted.

The villain was compelling, though. I like to see villains with a motivation and a backstory. But I'm biased, the minute I saw David Hoflin on screen I just wanted to end him (perks of being an evil guy in SPN). And the guy was way too smart, up to the point it made no sense. How on earth could he beat J'onn's telepathy? The only thing this proves is that the DEO are just incompetent. A random guy prepares a single trap, a false IP address and shortens the clock filling the tank with water and there you are, arresting him since the very beginning and forgetting about how to use your computers ever since.

Alex was brilliant, as always. She's such a badass and everything she did shows how smart she is. But the MVP was to Floriana Lima. Her acting was excellent and her fear of losing Alex was so palpable. She loves her si much, but sister trumps girlfriend of a few months. I'm not saying her love is not valid,you know family doesn't end in blood.

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