Review by Vero

Got damn! This was without doubt, the best episode this season (so far). That was just EXCELLENT. Spot-on! And again, what a twist. I certainly expected Mr Scratch to be somehow involved in this ever since the description for the last episode literally said "Derek Morgan comes back with a lead to catch Mr Scratch" but I needed a twist and last week I got it.

I knew it! I knew it had to be Kat Adams somehow but hot damn, last week my expectations were totally subverted. And now my mind just blew. so not only Lindley but also Kat Adams? I kind of expected her to be the one who framed Reid and when I found out it was Lindsey I was totally in shock because you simply don't expect a character from season 3 to re-appear again and to be the one to blame for Reid torments. I guess everyone has mommy or daddy problems. Now I have more questions than ever! How could she orchestrate all of that behind the bars? how did she contact Lindsey? how did she know her story with Reid? And why Lindley to be her killer hand outside the prison? and how the hell did she film a video on an ipad? I've got way too many questions at this point. How the hell did she know about Scratch? Maybe it's the lawyer.

That scene when Reid gets out of jail and gets reunited with Garcia was absolutely beautiful. And now I'm just even more worried about Reid, especially for his psyche. I mean, these things leave a mark and his long stay in prison did. That scene back at the BAU when he just stayed there and couldn't open the door for himself got me so worried. I'm certainly surprised JJ didn't look more worried. I'm so scared for the season finale. Who am I kidding? I'm terrified. if something happens to Reid, if he dies or leaves the team and if consequently Garcia makes that letter of resignation real I'm done. Morgan's already gone and it socks but I need to see that tech chair filled and I need my precious baby Reid to overcome this. I don't know if I'll be able to keep watching if Garcia leaves

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