Of all the things I expected to happen today, Wesley Crusher making me cry was not on the list at all!

The Bonding is a super emotional and highly charged episode which unfortunately stumbles along the way. It deals with an issue that would seem to be a big part of Trek (what happens to those left behind by an officer's death), but the episodic and self-contained nature of the franchise means that it can only be explored to a certain degree (at least until DS9 comes along with its far more serialised storytelling).

We'll never see Jeremy Aster again, but even Wesley won't really revisit the feelings he shares here. It's a shame, because his scenes really make the episode come to life. The relationship with his mother really is a wonderful part of the show. I enjoyed the brief Data/Riker scene, too. Quite lovely stuff.

Patrick Stewart is on form as always and gets the best line: "no one is alone onboard the Enterprise."

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