Really good. Ronald D. Moore shows that even early on he was Star Trek's secret weapon, able to write episodes which really dug into characters but also were thrilling. There's a great air of mystery through much of the episode, and the tension is high. Even Troi is super intense during her interrogation of Jarok.

The Klingon twist at the end is a wonderful surprise, and a real fist-pump moment. I find the Romulans really intriguing at this point in the show, and it's been so long since I've watched through the franchise that I can't remember how much more we get to delve into them.

Commander Tomalak's reappearance is another welcome surprise, and its nice that the episode references the events of 'The Enemy' in a rare bit of continuity. Data has some lovely scenes exploring his intuition (or lack thereof) and it's fun to see a heavily disguised Patrick Stewart as a Shakespeare character in the pre-title holodeck sequence.

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