Review by Arianne
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-05-22T06:32:21Z— updated 2017-06-11T16:32:13Z

First of all, Veil's death at the end of this episode was completely unwarranted. After suffering for so long in Quinn's underground prison, she deserves some sort of redemption, and not a supporting role in Sunny's battle against Quinn. She was a major reason as to why Sunny did everything to stay alive, and why he fought his way through to return to her. Why didn't Sunny double check that Quinn was actually dead?! The characters in this season have a notorious pattern of not double checking that their opponents are actually dead. You can't just walk away. You need to make sure the guy is friggin' sawed in half, ok. So upsetting that Veil just flat out died. I mean, Sunny stabbed a sword right through Quinn's body twice, yet it was a meagre little dagger that actually kills him. We spent so much time this season developing Veil's inner strength and her role in Sunny's drive to live, but poof, one mistake and one little dagger later, she's offed. The showrunners need to check themselves.

Second of all, I still don't like Bajie. He's only out there for his own objectives. He seems like a good guy with good intentions, but when it comes down to it, he's only there for himself. I can't wait to find out what happens to him. I assume he will die there in that radio signal tower from his injury... Although he has Sunny's bike, and this is Into The Badlands where characters who you thought were dead will pop back into the story, so. Also, how did Bajie find that tower anyway? Was it in the book?

Third of all, the producers better hire better scriptwriters for next season. They have a ton of story to write about now - Tilda running away, Widow's offer to Waldo, Widow's deal with M.K., Bajie's radio signal to Azra, Sunny becoming a father... I'm going to assume the antagonists for next season will be the Widow and Waldo - both of whom don't have strong morals. We can't trust any barons or wannabe barons in this show.

All in all, a decent season. I'm looking forward to seeing what will be the repurcussions of Bajie reactivating the Azra radio tower.

P.S. What on Earth happened to Jade? She was one of the better actresses in this show, and she just disappeared after that one episode.

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@rikayla I completely disagree with your rating for this episode, but I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. Your words don't really translate into a rating of 9, but I guess you enjoyed the episode more than you let us know. Anyway, here's to a better story writing for the third season!


OPReply by Arianne

@misnomer Bwahaha! Totally see why you would think that. I tend to turn my brain off when I'm watching this particular show. It's only until the episode is over do I turn it back on to think about the show critically. The rating I gave is more reflective of if I was entertained rather than what I think about it critically.
