Shout by kinky

So, after thinking he had killed Quinn by the end of season one, only to discover he managed to stay alive for another season, when Sunny gets a second chance to kill Quinn, SUNNY DOESN'T MAKE SURE HE ACTUALLY STAYS DEAD THIS TIME?! Good for you for being uncharacteristically careless, Sunny, that only costed your woman's life. Who writes these dumb things?

Epic fight between the most badass of Clippers and his former Baron, sure (though a bit over the top, Quinn had already been stabbed twice and was still at it, for Christ's sake), but... Seriously, Sunny?! And then Quinn gets finally killed (for real... probably) by what felt like a tiny needle in comparison (remember, he had the blade of Sunny's sword run through him twice before in their fight). Ugh! Really, who writes these dumb things? Someone was clearly in a hurry to wrap things up and get home when they wrote this episode.

Also, no major part in this episode for either M.K. or Tilda. Too much Bajie (i.e., "comic relief") for nothing. Good season (not awesome as the first one, but still good), disappointing finale.

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