Review by Andrew Bloom

Veep: Season 6

6x02 Library

[9.5/10] Pretty damn awesome, especially for a regular, non-format-bender, non-event episode. For one thing, the dark one-liners were on fire in this episode, with references to everything from Princess Di to Bill Cosby where you don't know whether to cringe or crack up. The black comedy of this show is gold.

Also, every story was pretty superb, particularly the main one with Selina. Her struggling to establish a library at Smith College while dealing with her husband cheating on her led to some great comedy, oddly enough. Her cravenness about moving money over from the Meyer Fund to pay for the library with Richard quietly stating "that's a felony" over and over was great, as was her (deserved) pity party turning into telling Catherine that it's not the best time for Catherine to get pregnant and her saying "you're the worst" in return. Andrew continues to be scum, but his dalliances turning into Selina bearing the brunt is the kind of murphy's law plotting this show does well. It was a particularly great outing for Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tony Hale, with Hale in particular selling Gale's excitement at Catherine's proposed pregnancy, resentment of Andrew, and then absolute fury when it's revealed that Andrew was cheating on Selina. Plus, great physical comedy from the both of them too.

The story of Ben and Kent sending Jonah on a series of dates for political date was great rapid-fire gag stuff as well. Jonah's abject terribleness with women, and let's face it, people lends itself to comedy nicely. For whatever reason, I just don't enjoy Dan busting on him, so that didn't work for me, but Dan being forced to do silly on screen stuff with his battle axe of a co-anchor is amusing.

And last but not least, Amy trying to fit in with potential Governor and fiance Corn-pone and bristling at his reserved ways, only for that to spill over into drunken dashcam footage from Buddy, is a nice build to the story that as miserable as she was in Washington, she just doesn't know how to function or deal with people outside that environment.

Overall, Season 6 is two-for-two and shaping up nicely in the post-Presidency era of the show.

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