I don't think that Lynch has enough banked goodwill to go all Black Lodge for 18 episodes, so he's either very brave or very stupid to go at it so hard at the outset, which could result in him losing many viewers -- new ones, in particular -- in a hurry. It's equally brave or stupid to give most of the old regulars who appear only a brief bit of exposure, and usually only as a cameo sort of thing that serves little purpose beyond stunt casting. I guess that I was hoping for more of season one's finale and less of season two's finale as "Return" got under way. There's still plenty of time, of course, but I'm not encouraged at the outset and am reminded of Quentin Tarantino's post-FIRE WALK WITH ME commentary about how "David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass." The first two outings here give me little reason to think that Lynch has seen much fresh daylight since, at least not in terms of Team Cooper, but I'm hoping that I end up being pleasantly surprised when it's all said and done.

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obviuos you dont know lynch enough, only master piece can be out from him , tou will see later
