Shout by Shea Layton

Train to Busan 2016

Apparently if the people in Zombie makeup scream loud enough, run fast enough, and are filmed on a shakey enough cam, it counts as a "good" movie? It dealt with some interesting themes of selfishness, and had some suspenseful moments, but by the end I felt disappointed. Entirely forgettable...

It was like Snowpiercer meets World War Z, without the things that made them both enjoyable and original.

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@jacfalcon I find both World War Z and Snowpiercer pretty average in comparison. And I say that having watched the first Snowpiercer show, and having also read the original Snowpiercer comic book series. The zombies aren't the best, and the way they speed up the recording at some of the zombie scenes annoy me, but it doesn't stop the movie from being great. Great characters development, specially considering we don't get any backstory for them, except for the main dude and his daughter (but still not much). It can somehow make us sympathize for the people, I think mostly because they're all very real and human (in both good and bad ways), in a way that the deaths matter without the need for 6 seasons developing them, like in The Walking Dead for example. My second favorite zombie movie, right behind Zombieland.
