Shout by Fire

Imagine a world where instead of just an entirely different iteration of (what I'm pretty sure is) the League of Assassins probably with Ra's al Ghul being the boss of bosses that Bruce is trying to meet we actually had an Arrow crossover here with the same actors and stuff. I mean, there wouldn't even have to be any mention. Just the same actors, or even just the same costuming or something. I would seriously die.

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OPReply by Fire

@firestorrm58 Oh right. I forgot he actually said Demon's Head last episode, duh. Thanks flashback echo voice lol

But ya......just freaking IMAGINE if they got Matt Nable in there instead of whatever random guy they got. Or even if it was just one of the more minor actors in a guest star role. Wouldn't you just freaking explode?!?

I mean, they've confirmed a billion times over that the Arrowverse, including Supergirl, exists in the same universe as Batman and heck, if Spiderman can show up in Avengers then JUST DO IT!!!!
