A wonderful moment to pause and an important episode for the show. No sci-fi, no drama, no high stakes, just a pure character focus. It's an episode that almost didn't get made, but it's beautiful and feels completely necessary after what Picard has just been through. Patrick Stewart gives a great performance and once again it feels like, as Picard, he lets the mask drop and becomes more himself. Of course, the lingering effects of the emotional damage caused by the Borg are still going to come back and haunt him down the line.

His breakdown while covered in mud is certainly a major turning point for him, and it helped no end that he had great chemistry with the actor playing his stern older brother.

While the focus is on the captain, I found Worf and Wesley's family matters just as interesting. Worf is clearly delighted to see his parents despite the protests he makes to Riker and O'Brien. And oh my God, I LOVE the Rozhenkos!

This episode does drive home what a horrible writing choice will happen later in the film Generations in regards to Captain Picard's family.

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Reply by kinky

@lefthandedguitarist actually, I felt the Rozhenkos bit to be a tad '80s sitcom, I was always expecting to hear the laughing track every time they'd speak. It only contributed to the episode feeling like a filler, to me. The Picard part was good (credit due to Patrick Stewart and his passionate acting), but all the rest made me feel like the Enterprise itself in this episode: bored with repairs, waiting to get ready for the next adventure. Regardless, you wrote good stuff about this episode, as always.

@misnomer Thanks! If we all liked the same things then life would be pretty dull.

@lefthandedguitarist I did enjoy the episode, it just didn't tickle me as much as it did you (and most people, judging by how high it's rated here). I prefer more sci-fi and less character bonding, though Star Trek is a franchise known for bringing those two factors together (meaning it's not just "pew pew sci-fi" - I just made this term up, but I'm not hopeful it will catch on). Anyway, I've always found the episodes spent on Earth rather dull (unless they're time travel episodes, of course, those are always fun). But I definitely agree with you, diversity makes life more fun and, even when we don't agree 100%, I often find your commentaries to be quite spot-on and, as such, I enjoy reading them.
