Shout by talkietoaster

The Magicians 2015

So, this is supposed to be magical fantasy for adults? Just because it has sex, (sometimes pretty over the top) violence and the occasional messed up scene? Because I can't find any other reasons than these.
I was hoping adult meant smart. But it's really not.
The atmosphere is good, the effects are good, but that's about it. The main character is ordinary as heroes tend to be sometimes but they've overdone it. He's so ordinary that he's not good at anything. Plus he's pretty unbearable to watch and listen to.
Most of the other characters are pretty annoying as well. The basic idea behind the story is fine, though it boggles my mind how they've managed to spread it this thin when a season is just 13 episodes. It would still be fine if there weren't super dumb plot twists in it (Especially the constant power jumps, come on!).
So, what's left? Yes, magic. I like that it's dangerous but the way it's performed is just laughable. Jumping around croaking would've been more serious.
Only managed to get through the first season.
Despite everything, it's not terrible. It just could have been so much better.

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