Shout by Scott Reed

American Gods 2017

Shout by Scott Reed
BlockedParent2017-06-21T20:31:29Z— updated 2017-07-09T07:14:32Z

I personally found this show awful. It just seemed slow and lacklustre. I have absolutely no caring about the main characters, Odin is okay but Shadow is really boring as hell. The episode diverge in to random really boring back stories and the finale was terrible....I will not be watching season 2

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Have you read the book? Then you should know the story is still building up. No fast pace needed at this point. Give it time. There are some crazy scenes coming up that are going to blow your mind. (hopefully if they are able to make them as described in the book considering the director has an amazing and unlimited imagination).

@mytvboxinoregon I'll not be watching anymore. Season 1 was dire, I'm all for build ups but this was just so slow and I don't like the style

@defestated I understand your point despite I like the show. You should try the book of Neil Gaiman and the spinoff "Anansi boys". It may better fit you.

@defestated I'm not sure I truly understand your point of view but have you read the book please?

@mytvboxinoregon Replying to your 3 years old coment. I even think the series rushed a bit in certain parts compared to the book :laughing:

@senhorlampada I've never read the book, my judgment of the show is purely based upon the show.
