This is one of the best blockbusters ever. It has a ton of action, it is emotional and it makes you think. It's crazy how good the CGI is, you stop thinking about it because of how invested you get in Caesar's journey. Great supporting characters with Maurice and the new addition of Bad Ape. Woody Harrelson is fantastic as always. It will be interesting to see if Andy Serkis' name comes up for best actor next year at the Oscars. He definitely deserves some recognition for his performance.

I think its funny that nature has a ironic sense of humor. The disease that killed everyone is now turning the rest of the humans into a more primitive state. Caesar sparing the colonel was a very emotional moment. Showing he is a much more complicated character than just an ape on a revenge mission. This whole trilogy asks a lot of questions on what is humanity? A very emotional end to a great trilogy.

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@nmahoney416 how are you watching it on here?

@jinxibear I saw it in theaters. You can't watch anything on trakt that's not what this website is about.
