Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-08-18T22:01:37Z— updated 2018-07-13T21:53:43Z

I... don't know where to start. Maybe like this: I want more. I know that if this season was 13 episodes instead of 8, the story would get unnecessarily dragged out and the Defenders probably wouldn't meet until episode 6. But maybe 10 eps? I just feel like it ended too quickly.

I knew, of course, that there was no way Matt was really dead. Daredevil is renewed for season 3. So his "death" shouldn't have had any emotional weight to it, right? Well, it did. I genuinely had tears in my eyes, which I guess is a sign that the showrunners did something right. Now I've only got one question: is Elektra alive? The whole season (which isn't saying much, 'cause I watched it in like 10 hours) I've been going back and forth between "she's getting a redemption arc" and "she's gonna die for sure". And honestly, the latter seemed way more plausible. She kind of got a redemption arc in Daredevil season 2, so another one didn't seem likely. And yet, I hoped. With all my might. Because Elektra may be problematic, but she's still an incredible, layered, multi-dimensional character. I wanted her to live so badly. I wanted her and Matt to get their happy ending. That would've been nice - a tragic OTP that you think are doomed defying the odds and driving off into the sunset. And now I'm furious because WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW IF SHE'S ALIVE OR NOT! We'll have to wait until like goddamn 2019 or late 2018 at best to find out! Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea? You know how many things could happen until 2019? I could die! I could die and never find out if Elektra made it! No, I'm not going to calm down! This shit is why I have anxiety!

I loved the scene where Jessica pulled the freaking elevator up. For some reason she didn't get to showcase her powers as much as the others, so it was a satisfying, triumphant moment for her and for me.

Jessica: "Maybe we can get coffee sometime."

Luke: Kill Bill sirens

Alias Investigations is in business again! Hell yeah! Now please, someone get Jessica into rehab STAT. Her liver must be begging for help at this point. Jessica's been through an unthinkable trauma, I get that, but drinking herself to death is not the solution.

Luke and Claire are together and happy! Yay! They're so cute. I hope they have some peace for a while.

Danny's still spitting out philosophical bullshit like he didn't throw a tantrum for no reason two episodes ago. Fucking idiot.

I'm sad for Gao. I don't give a shit about the other four fingers (how stupid does that sound?), but she's been around since Daredevil season 1. Hats off to the OG badass. And double props for throwing Danny around a bit. If only she'd used slightly more force...

I honestly don't buy the whole "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" thing that they kept saying to Misty. They live in a world where Avengers are real, aliens invade the Earth on a regular basis and vigilantes pop up left and right. If I were a cop in the Marvel universe, I wouldn't blink at the notion of an ancient cult pursuing immortality. Still not as weird as Wanda Maximoff's powers or a dude turning green when he gets angry.

Final thoughts: fun show, pretty much exactly what I expected it to be, well-written, well-shot, some great cinematography, some awesome music, some really good fight choreography, decent villains (although they kind of wasted Sigourney Weaver, I feel like they could've done much more with Alexandra). Definitely hoping for more.

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@aniela-krajewska maybe Gao got out, there was no confirmation of her death, same as Elektra.

Yeah, both Elektra and Gao seem like open questions, at this point, and open questions have a strong tendency to ferment into future interestingness...

I honestly don't buy the whole "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" thing that they kept saying to Misty. They live in a world where Avengers are real, aliens invade the Earth on a regular basis and vigilantes pop up left and right. If I were a cop in the Marvel universe, I wouldn't blink at the notion of an ancient cult pursuing immortality.

Gotta agree with this, and it was the only thing that annoyed me -- well, other than an occasional Danny-moment -- with this series. Besides, if the police blocked Luke out of the information loop, what would Luke have done? Pushed his way in some other way with less info, right? And Luke knows Misty well enough to know she'd do the same, so... They're not protected if New York itself falls, so all damn hands on the same deck, guys!

Ah, well. Other than that...
