I was wondering what the opening credit would look like and I'm happy to say I was not disappointed. It's really awesome, I love it. I also love how the season opened with Elektra kicking some ass, it got me even more fired up for it, or at least the part I'm actually a fan of. Which is Daredevil. Because Iron Fist is still an out of control child who needs serious therapy. Jessica Jones is still an asshole. Luke Cage is still unlikable and uninteresting. But at least we got Misty and Claire out of his part. Even though I was seriously worried he'd do some damage to her when they were "making love." One last very important thing, Sigourney Weaver is so damn beautiful. I'm so excited to see and know more about her character. And the fact that Madame Gao is scared of her and takes orders from her puts a smile on my face. Ha! Bonus: Matt and Karen still make you feel the awkwardness and second hand embarrassment deep in your soul.

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