Review by Deleted

Collateral Beauty 2016

Remember when everybody said that "Gods of Egypt" and "Independence Day: Resurgence" are the worst movies of 2016. Well, along comes this turd.

When I saw the trailer for "Collateral Beauty", I thought it's going to be a modern day "A Christmas Carol". I mean, it looked like it could be an emotional movie, despite looking Oscar bait. It's not until I saw the movie and the actual plot.

Here the real plot: A successful New York advertising (Will Smith) executive suffers a great tragedy, he retreats from life. He goes to work and builds elaborate Domino sets then watches them collapse while he refuses to communicate with other people. His co-workers react to this by hiring actors to pretend to be Death, Love and Time so they can film him talking to them then editing them out the video so it looks like he's mentally unstable to be a shareholder.

Yes, that's the actual plot to the movie and it's awful. No wonder the trailer false advert this, because who would want to see this.

How the hell did this get made? And why are there so many big name actors involved? I think this and "Nine Lives" are the biggest WTF movies of 2016. I just can't get my head around this. These Oscar winners & nominees agreed to be in this?

"Collateral Beauty" isn't just the worse movie of 2016, but of the 21st century. What a cruel, heartless, boring, Oscar bait trash of a film. It's the worse kind of Oscar bait, as it ticks all the boxes for the purpose of earning nominations for Academy Award.

What's worse is that title of the movie "Collateral Beauty" is literally said six times in the movie, but yet, I have no idea what it's suppose to mean. And frankly, I don't give a damn.

This is once again another Will Smith Oscar bait movie. There was "Seven Pounds", "Concussion", and now "Collateral Beauty". If I have to pick this or "Suicide Squad", for his worse movie yet, this easily takes the cake. Smith himself isn't really the leading man, but neither supporting.

At least the rest of the actors are actually trying, as the performance in this are not bad. But that's the only "good" thing I can say about this.

Overall rating: This movie can go fuck itself.

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