Wow. What a letdown. All of those random conversations at the roadhouse at the end of each episode? Meaningless. Nothing tying them together at all in the end. Audrey's fate? Audrey who? The last two episodes make it seem like she never existed. And Sarah Palmer? What was up with her, exactly? Well, now that it's all over, I can say that we'll never know. We won't know who or what she is. We won't know why she freaked out over the jerky display in the store. We won't know why things seemed to be looping when her TV was showing that boxing match. And on and on. But the many other bits of randomness that bloated various episodes, taking time away from what should have mattered? Those things ended up mattering, right? Um, no. Like the roadhouse stuff, none of those random things played any role. Just one example: the scene outside the Double R after a random gunshot. The one where Bobby goes running out and finds the screaming woman who kept laying on her horn because she wanted to get home. The kid slowly climbing up and emerging in the passenger seat. I kept wanting to think that there'd be a payoff for that overlong bit of Lynchian self-indulgence, but no such luck. I don't need everything wrapped up with a pretty bow at the end of every bit of fiction that I watch or read. I really don't. But I need more than I got here. A lot more.

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