[8.5/10] Ahhhh, why can’t they all be Todd episodes? I loved the premise of this one -- that as haphazard and layabout as Todd seems, he’s the glue that holds these people together, and is unfailingly kind and helpful. That’s part of what makes the character work -- at his base he may be a little incompetent or pie-in-the-sky, but he has such an innocent, heart of gold that you’re always apt to encourage and forgive him.

It’s also a well-crafted episodes, with Todd’s telescoping and intersecting responsibilities getting tangled nicely. A simple task of picking up Mr. Peanutbutter’s glasses melding into going on a date with a movie star turning into running a DNA test for BoJack’s prospective daughter twisting into distracting Dianne from the internet, all while Todd’s trying to work out his own stuff is a nicely madcap set of adventures for the scamp.

There’s lots of good comedy to go around, with Todd pretending to be Channing Tatum, or Keith David voicing a lion who (appropriately) lionizes Todd past deeds, or the riff on the world of fashion replete with Tim Gunn. And the way that BoJack and Holly Hock act like one another is pretty perfect (with lots of funny jokes about Holly having eight last names because of her polyamorous dads.) But there’s heart here too. For one thing, Todd tries to spare Holly from BoJack, and from another, he gives Diane the advice she needs.

But he also does some good work with BoJack, who shows himself to have at least one sliver of humanity (er...equine-imity?) by being the one person who, however belatedly, seems to actually see Todd and appreciate what he does. Todd is not forgiving, but accepting, which speaks to his growing maturity, but also his kindness, and BoJack accepting him and his asexuality is a great step in rebuilding their friendship. It also leads to the perfect capper for the episode, where Todd finds the courage to go to a meeting of asexual people, despite his worries. And the bookends about him hitting the triangle at the orchestra recital are perfect.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that Todd is my favorite character on the show, and it’s a real treat for him not only to get a spotlight episode, but one with such tightly-constructed comedy, storytelling, and character.

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