[7.8/10]] I like the main story of this one a lot. Seeing BoJack being protective of Hollyhock, but doing so in a way that is both selfish and selfless. He half-admits to himself that it’s not only a bad idea, but also a way to prove that if he can’t be liked, she must not be able to be liked either. It’s an interesting direction to take BoJack’s growth, and I like the fact that he’s really trying to do better, screwing up in predictably BoJack ways, and even when he’s making amends, kind of screwing up Hollyhock a bit (by giving her more of a complex with his “blob” comment). It’s true to the character and the situation in compelling ways.

On top of that, the FHBA turning out to be a booty-based empowerment show with Felicity Huffman and Sir-Mix-a-Lot (who cannot lie) is a great source of comedy.

Princess Carolyn meeting Ralph’s parents was fun outing too. (Martin Short! Patti Lupone!) It definitely gets the feeling of being a guest in someone else’s family and the awkwardness of that, and offers a nice riff on Passover and similar traditions, mapped over an anthropomorphic animal world. Plus, it’s really heartening when Ralph tells his parents that Princess Carolyn’s sticking around for good.

There’s also a lot of comedy in Mr. PB trying to help Woodchuck defeat Jessica Biel in the Governor’s race. (Man this show sounds weird out of context.) The whole gorilla feet thing is hilarious, as is Mr. PB and Todd joining together to produce more terrible ideas to frustrate Mr. PB’s poor accountant. The combined clown/dentist idea is perfectly comic horribleness.

All-in-all, a great episode of the show.

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