Quite a change in tone from the two-episode "prologue" that we saw last week, and I really like it. This introduces us to the main characters we didn't get to meet previously, and especially the titular starship. Discovery is definitely an odd place and overflowing with secrets. My initial thoughts went in the direction of Section 31, but this could equally be something completely different given its scientific leanings.

It's delightful, at least for me, to see Star Trek finally being able to be an adult show. Of course this is never going to approach the level of Game of Thrones, etc., and it probably shouldn't, but there's no reason we can't have violence and natural vulgar language. The gore was actually quite restrained and gave us just enough to get an impression of how nastily these people had been killed, so I found it very effective. There was also a great atmosphere of dread across that whole sequence, and of all things to be reminded of it actually made me think of Doom 3 ...the creature itself was very reminiscent of the "pinky" demon.

Also, the fight in the mess hall may be the most realistic and well choreographed fist fight in Trek history. No more palm punches and double-fist thumps! It finally feels like people are actually hurting each other.

Cadet Tilly is adorable. I immediately love her nervousness and positive outlook. She brought levity to what was otherwise quite a moody episode and it was very welcome. Not to mention that she looks like Merida from Brave with her hair down! Lt. Stamets is a bit harder to like given how aggressively confrontational he was with Burham the whole way through, but he made the sarcastic Beatles joke, and I can always appreciate a good bit of sarcasm. I was also really pleased to see that Saru is still a part of the crew, as he was probably my favourite character from the opening episodes.

Captain Lorca is an interesting one. He's referred to as a "warmonger" and it's difficult to get a read on him through the episode. It would be easy to dismiss him as a shady captain with an evil agenda, but the end of the episode turns that around quite nicely and reveals him to be in the pursuit of science, not weapons, and wants a quick end to the war. I still get the impression that he may be willing to go to extreme means to reach that end, but I'm glad to see that the show hasn't pigeonholed him into a preset and obvious role.

I felt like we didn't get anywhere near enough of an explanation of exactly what is going on onboard the Discovery, though. The dialogue was fleeting and at times difficult to understand (thank you, subtitles). Something to do with spores being used to jump anywhere in the galaxy in an instant? Very reminiscent of the Iconian gateways. I didn't quite follow that, nor the strange floating-water effect of the black alert situation.

I'm not sure if I was supposed to, but I laughed when the shuttle pilot flew past the window. I think it was meant to be dark humour, of which there was a fair bit in this one (especially likes the shushing Klingon).

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