Review by Renan Welton
BlockedParent2017-10-20T17:15:14Z— updated 2018-10-27T17:31:57Z

Oh, I can't put into words how exciting it was to finally watch the ending of this trilogy - mostly because english is not my first language -, but I will try.

Well, I think the second movie is still my favorite - I watched it in the theater with some friends back in 2014 - but I really appreciate how unique and brave this movie was.

What I want to say is that it's a blockbuster. Like every other blockbuster out there it has that big and full-of-action third act. But at same time the movie manages to use the two first acts to focus on what is important: the characters; more precisely, the apes. We barely see humans as characters we should care about - barely, I said. And this time, more than ever, the humans are the villains. That seems pretty clear. ( I just want to make it clear that I don't see a third act full of action as a problem. It just felt as if it had no place in this movie, even more if you start to considering the crafting of the story throughout the first act ).

I think that the most important, and also my favorite thing about the movie, is that it's a movie about the apes. We don't need to see humans playing the major role in the story. The apes are the protagonist in this movie, and only them. It gives a different perspective both from the first and the second movie, and at the same time it gives us more screen-time with the apes. Which is great.

Caesar's character arc is well-constructed and he has - let's say - really good reasons to do what he is doing. It's really great to see that Caesar is still trying to use diplomacy with the humans, even though the humans are being completely jerks with the apes. It serves to show that we are seeing the same Caesar that we know from the previous movies and that some past events didn't change his way to think about the war. He only wants a place where his kind can live in peace. Fair enough, right?

It's a simple movie, with a simple story. It's about Caesar and the future of the apes, and I think that the most important message on this movie is: LET THE GODDAMN APES ALONE AND DIE, HUMANS!

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