[9.3/10] I want to say I’ve seen at least parts of this episode before (maybe in syndication somewhere) but that didn’t make it any less hilarious. I love the hare-brained schemes that The Gang come up with to try merchandise the pub, each amusingly inept in its own way. Charlie’s kitten mittens commercial is a laugh and a half, and everything from Mac’s dick towel, to Dennis’s thong, to Frank’s liquor-filled firearms and eggs got guffahs out of me for their ridiculousness.

It’s also a great use of the lawyer, and his utter exhaustion and annoyance with this pack of idiots who keep pestering him. Dee and Charlie make for funny stalkers, and the way the lawyer tries to escape them, eventually seems to reconcile with them, and then totally beats them is delightful. At the same time, Charlie, Mac, and Frank continually trying to one-up each other with their ideas is very funny, and so is the inept commercial they end up. It’s another IASIP that fits the structure I like -- with a number of different story threads that all come together in a natural, showstopping way at the end.

Overall, one of the most laugh-worthy episodes of the show so far.

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