I just recently finished season one. I´ll have to admit had I watched it at the original airdate I probably wouldn´t have made it past episode five. But since so many people said it would become better I continued.

It looks cool, the action is good but althought beeing part of the MCU it felt more like watching Fringe or X-files most episodes. It is missing the real superheroes. Maybe it was never supposed to have them but after watching the movies it feels like that.

From the main characters only Coulson is really great. His story, the mystery surrounding him, is what drives this show so far. I also liked Mae but the rest are weak. Skye is an arrogant I-know-it-better-typ and that kind of wunderkind has been overdone. Ward is the stereotype muscle. I disliked him even before he turned out to be a traitor. And that romantic arc between Skye and Ward was on the wall from episode one And don´t get me started about Fitz/Simmons because they feel more like something from a Disney kids show.

The scripts became better towards the end, more cohesive, but I also must say the villain(s) left a lot to be desired. It´s always the take-over-the-world type with little depth.

That is my assessment after the first season. I haven´t yet watched the rest so please don´t spoil. Maybe some of the things I mentioned will change later on.

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