Review by Jitse Lemmens

The Walking Dead: Season 8

8x03 Monsters

I think the producers of this show are trying to turn it into a comedy show.

We're still given lousy speeches, shitty tactics and moronic reasoning from people who quite frankly should know better by now. Remember Gregory, he can be trusted right? Such a goofball, eating pancakes from a baby... Remember that?
Great how that one lesbian girl whose name I won't bother to remember has just turned into some kind of Steven Seagal character. I bet my 5-year old son can look more intimidating than her.
And Morgan, and Rick, even Jebus... All the moments of reflection are so blatently obvious it seems like they're just crossing off a list. And Daryl, such a killah, well... they all are killers until they're not... FREE bullits for all cuz noone's turning anyways unless the plot desires it!
Oh the lover of a once interesting character didn't survive his gut wound, let's spend ample minutes cuz... emotions yall. WE need more emotions.

Not since seeing a AK47's nozzle do a plastic wobble have I been more surprised by how awful this show really is (again). It's worse than a B-movie cause they're still being serious about it. It's funny that a sci-fi show mocking the genre and being over the top (rolling zombieball included) is better than this.

Everything seems so void, empty of realism, emotion, danger... it's a show that has lost all it's will to live and won't even bother in trying, unable to kill itself and drudging through life waiting to be killed... Heh, it's become a zombie shuffling through the world in search for brains but not getting a bullit through the head.

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