Review by superrob1500

Collateral Beauty 2016

I'm quite conflicted with this movie I thought parts of it were great and really moved me and there's other parts that straight made no sense.

Let's start with the good:
-Great performances by everyone although a mostly silent Will Smith in kind of a wasted Will Smith.
-The parallel they were building with each of the actors's "alter egos" with Whit, Claire and Simon's personal issues were brilliant in my opinion. (see the bad part for the continuation)
-Very well shot, the editing style sold me the mood.

The Bad:
-Really fucking predictable.
-The whole "she turned out to be his wife" subplot makes no sense. Did he forget her after the divorce to the point they were strangers again (or at least her to him)? Was he aware the whole time? Maybe I missed something there.
-As brilliant as the parallel was, in my opinion is ruined by eventually revealing the "actors" were actually the entities they were "playing" which for me makes the whole movie lose its weigh by creating unnecessary questions in return like: did the entities set themselves up to be approached to play the fake entities to help Howard? If they were actually invisible entities why was no one else looking at the other 3 weird? The PI was in on the whole thing... could she see them too? Honestly it would have been way more powerful to not make them the actual entities since that would have shown that normal humans can help each other out of holes and the parallel would have hit harder.
-The fact that the PI was recording vertical then when they're playing the videos back to Howard they're somehow 16:9 is almost criminal (that's nitpicking though).

It's not a bad film but the lack of attention to detail and its predictability bothered me... 7/10

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@superrob1500 word for word how I felt about it.
