The episode is still not focused with so many events happening all at once. The shootout is still as bad as before (seriously, TWD should stop making shootout too often).

Too many stupid inconsistencies for people who are supposed to be experienced in combat and survival after all these years (Rick and co, and the Saviors.), e.g. leaving your badly shot friend alone in the middle of nowhere (where both walkers and humans could be a threat), planning absolutely nothing for the POW aside from "hey let's go to Maggie she knows this better", shooting in an open field with no cover at all, and the damned walkers tumbling down from hill--what the hell is this? You've survived from walkers for god knows how long and then suddenly you forgot how to handle this kind of thing?

On a more positive note, I'm looking forward to how they would handle Morgan. I can see the potential, though it should be better executed. Morgan went from a traumatic madman to a peace-loving hippie and then back to madman--some might say this is an inconsistency, I'd say TWD could build on this to show that Morgan never returned sane all along. I like the slight throwback to the events portrayed in Season 3, with Morgan saying, "everybody turns!" However at this moment TWD needs to portray this "never returned to sanity" Morgan more evidently, showing that his peace-loving might be a facade. As it is now it feels like he's an inconsistent character.

I feel a bit mixed about the return of the "familiar face" (Morales). The person yapped for a while only to be killed mercilessly. The conversation between him and Rick could lead to interesting possibilities - moral dilemmas and such - with Rick reminiscing the people they both used to know (Lori, Glenn, etc; especially Glenn as he was killed by Negan) and how the situation they faced made them the person they're not used to be. It falls flat, however, with the quick demise of Morales.

On the one hand it emphasizes the merciless trait Rick's group might have become. On the other hand, it's a waste of a character. It feels like Rick-Morales encounter wanted to be a Rick-Morgan encounter in Season 3, with both characters reminiscing the past, the common grounds they used to have, the vastly different situation they got themselves into, etc. It ends up only as a tease though, with Morales' death. Which is a shame. It's been long since TWD has a good protagonist-antagonist dynamics.

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