Besides last week's, this is my favorite episode this season. I missed Negan so goddamn much. Listening to him talking about his wife and seeing him, damn, that's his weak spot. It was great.

I loved the Negan-Gabriel interactions so damn much. It had me engaged the entire time, glued to the screen. The more Negan, the better the episode is.

Getting to see the human side of Negan was fantastic. JDM was outstanding in the meeting. The scene when Simon was talking and he just kept on slamming Lucille on the table was so intense and menacing. It was really crazy. He really cares about people. And I've got to say it, killing people in the right time to save others, he's got a point in there, and he's fucking right about it.

I love how this episode was a turning point of who the bad guys are. We've always sided with Rick and his people but it was the same for Negan: re-made yourself to survive or die. It was the same for everyone and I loved how they depicted it this episode. I loved that even though they show Negan as a psychopath, he wants to protect the workers.

I saw the Daryl-Rick fight coming long ago, but I enjoyed it, nevertheless. In all honesty, I hope there's more moral conflict between them.

Is Gavin's "Jesus Christ" while walking out the door his new catchphrase? I loved it. It's exactly the same way I would've reacted, lol.

That ending, though. Could Gabriel have been bitten before and that's why he confessed to Negan? It would make sense considering his intro monologue. That would be an interesting twist but I guess it's simpler than that. He simply got sick because of the guts, even Negan said he knew people who got sick because of it.

In a world with Negan and I choose to hate Gregory. That asshole only got up when he heard the word sorghum.

"I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille, and my nutsack is made steel". Gotta love Negan.

And after all the freaking garbage people have done and Rick goes straight up to them, probably to show them the photos he took of the Saviors? Screw them.

A helicopter! WTF? Own a helicopter, win the war.

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@vero-winchester You give this a 9? seriously? And i'll quote "‘The Walking Dead’ Ratings Fall To Lowest Result Since 2011" or "The Walking Dead's Ratings Are Worse Than They've Ever Been" You must be blind lol


OPReply by Vero
Blocked2017-11-22T08:29:53Z— updated 2017-11-24T14:10:33Z

@sopherian Yeah, I enjoyed the episode and I don't care about how low the ratings are. If I like an episode I like it and I don't give a crap about what ratings other people give to the episode. I'm just interested in their opinions. The fact that the ratings are low it's something normal. Fewer shows can maintain the quality after so many years and keep the story going such as it was. But if people dislike an episode (as it seems people dislike this season) that's not gonna change my opinion. Moreover, all these people who dislike it keep on watching and watching just to bitch about it even more. It's complaining for conplaining's sake. People complain that there's not enough action,they give you action-packed episodes and people bemoan that they don't like it excuse they don't advance the story. Then people say they want more dialogue and less action. It's like whatever they're given, I know for sure they're gonna bitch about it. Of course I would like TWD to go to what made it so good in seasons 1 and 2. I want more walkers, but when an episode airs, people always find something to complain about and trash the episode (as well as the season) because of it. Every episode is a mixture of something amazing and incredible stupidity, but that has been for a long time now.

After all, no one hates TWD more than TWD fans.
