[5.0/10] This one was pretty damn underwhelming. The central metaphor about Randy and co. going #NotAllMen with the “witch chase thingy” was pretty convoluted, to where you knew exactly what the show was referencing, but it never felt like the metaphor added a layer of insight or even ironic distance from the avalanche of harassment scandals. The analogy just felt confused, and while there’s some humor in Randy’s crew never quite getting to the word “witch hunt” there’s not much to it otherwise.

At the same time, while I can’t equivocate and say I didn’t get any chuckles out of Cartman’s exasperation at Heidi not getting ready in time, it’s a Home Improvement gag transplanted into South Park, and even having Cartman be the lens for it doesn’t make it feel less hoary.

Garrison being part of the “solution” comes a bit out of nowhere (though Butters inadvertently dogging him for his lack of accomplishments was a good laugh) and the episode just kind of ends, without really resolving anything or landing on any solid points.

Overall, a seemingly rushed outing without a lot of fully-formed ideas.

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