After this episode I wonder, is there a real plan? Rick is all about "Stick to the plan. We all stick to the plan" but no one does. Can someone just do what they're told? Daryl and Tara are on a mission to kill Dwight which will end up jeopardizing the whole mission; Rosita and Michonne leave after being shot and beaten up because of some reason; Carl simply decides to wander off to find a guy and bring him to Alexandria; Benjamin's brother (don't remember his name) wants to kill people and joins Carol who gives him a gun? Wth? And truly, if there's a plan, someone please explain to me what kind of plan involves having Rick naked in a freaking container. Btw, why the hell did Rick even think it was a good idea to go to thegarbage people?

The garbage people, lol. Jadis was sitting literary naked making a freaking garbage cat, wtf?

That freaking trash people talking like that, lol. It reminds me of Kevin's small talk to save time in The Office. It cracks me up every time. Economy of language to the higher level.

It's so good to have Rosita and Michonne back. Rosita with the rocket launcher was so badass. It was one of those hilariously funny scenes. But why did they exactly want to see the Sanctuary for? Feelings and emotions? I don't quite get it.

The whole episode an be summarised as "I want to come with you". There were quote a lot of them.

I understand Jesus' motivations but have any of the Saviors showed any humanity? Some days I don't think Negan's idea of killing one of a group is a bad idea at all. They should've killed Jared long ago. Can't stand that guy. He'll end up dead, but still.

I'm really digging the Ezekiel plot. That scene with Carol was fantastic. I loved how Carol tried to help him through his grief and identity crisis. The parallelism between the two of them is great. Carol is not different from Ezekiel. She put on the same act he did.

Btw, the letter narration montage was so weird. It reminded me to those camp letters you write.

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@vero-winchester the plan is to have no plan and do random stuff and then pretend that was the plan all along
