I totally called the double wedding thing! And I actually loved it. Everyone's vows were really sweet. And I also think that closing the will-they-won't-they part of Oliver and Felicity's relationship will be good for both the show and the shippers. Less stupid drama.

I had to pause the episode for a few minutes when the Professor died because I was bawling too hard. It was so devastating. And Jax letting him go was so painful... I couldn't stop crying. Rest in peace, Martin. I do hope they will bring Victor Garber back eventually, but this was a beautiful send-off for his character.

I wish Barry had killed Eobard. I'm sick of him. But it was a fun contrast to see Oliver just shoot his doppelganger straight in the chest without hesitation. Get wrecked, Nazi. Same goes for Overgirl. Good fucking riddance.

I was happy to see Ray, Nate, Amaya and Zari. I was afraid they wouldn't use them at all in this crossover, which would've been a waste. Oh, and I'm glad Dig showed up too.

This crossover ended too quickly. It was so much fun! I hope they keep this 4-hour, 2-night format next year. It worked extremely well here.

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I do hope they will bring Victor Garber back eventually,...

They certainly could. Who knows? In the comics, Firestorm had a very long a complex history, passing through many people, but Martin Stein was almost always in there somewhere...

I wish Barry had killed Eobard.

Yup. I get the whole "Barry is the kind of Good that just does not kill" thing, but... when we're talking about someone as thoroughly evil as Eobard, who will all know will kill more people along whatever next path he chooses, it's just not that simple any more. Let him go, and you share responsibility for whoever he kills after that. Even Barry has to accept that there are cases in which war is war, and evil must be Stopped.

Interesting seeing the simple contrast between that and Oliver's simple treatment of Dark Arrow at the end. He did ready the shot and then wait, presumably to see if it would be necessary, but once it obviously was, no hesitation, just End It.
