Review by Vero

Legends of Tomorrow is a show supposed to be lighthearted and funny and yet, here I am feeling fucking devastated as if my soul just left my body.

Legends of Tomorrow will make you smile, it will make you laugh, it will give you countless wtf moments, it will win your heart and make you have alien goo in your eyes. I knew what was coming but it didn't make it any easier. My stone-cold heart couldn't handle all those emotions.

The funniest show in the Arrowverse and here I am, motionless, trying to assume that what I saw is real while my eyes are sweating. Allergies.

I knew Stein's demise was coming but I wasn't ready. It hit me harder than I expected. I wasn't prepared for that raw emotion. It was really painful to see him go but he went as a true legend. He got an adventure of a lifetime with Jax. He deserved to spend the rest of his life with his family and spoiling his grandson but instead he died as the true hero he is.

"True courage is to die so that others can live" and that's what he did. He died a hero, a legend, and Legends never die. I'm gonna miss him so damn much. It's a shame Victor Garber had to leave the show. He added something no one else had. Broadway is lucky to have him.

Jax and Stein's father-son bonding is lovely. These guys moved me in ways I didn't expect. Victor Garber is a hell of an actor and so is Franz Drameh. That's scene was really impressive, moving and touching. Stein's final speech crushed my soul. The acting was superb.

During the crossover, their storyline hit me pretty hard and every episode that passed it hit me even harder. Those emotional scenes were exceptional. Rest in peace, Professor. You will be missed.

The funeral scene was beautiful. Jax was completely broken. He wished it had been him instead of Stein. I can't help but think that now the original Firestorm is reunited.

His death hit me pretty hard but if that wasn't enough, Jan went to Clarissa and Lily...that was so hard for me to watch.

Aside from the heartbreak, the episode was awesome. That final fight was absolutely perfect. It brought the goffiest smile to my face. I couldn't even blink. I felt like a 5-year-old kid watching my heroes fight. That group slo-mo shot was just badass.

Everything in that fight was fantastic, especially Caitlin going full Frozone. I loved it.

That Barry-Reverse Flash fight was one for the books. Simply amazing. Having them fight at super-speed was another thing I can cross out of my list. I was so damn happy to see it. My life's complete now. Everything was fantastic and then Barry let's him go for some damn reason that skips my understanding. I'm not talking about killing him Reverse Flash style but he could at least have knocked him out and locked him up in the pipeline. He's been working with Nazis for God's sake. That's crossing the line. He doesn't get a pass for that.

"I just love a good pop culture reference in a moment of crisis", lol Cisco. Loved Dinah's reaction to his laugh.

And Snart! I mean, Leo! I missed him so damn much. Everything he did was great. His interactions with Mick were amazing. I loved how offended Mick looked when Snart told him his Nazi doppelganger died saving pigs "I'm gonna be sick!"

"Did you bring beers?"; "Did you hit that?", lol. Whoever writes Mick's one-liners deserves a bigger payroll. He's the absolute best.

"General, would you care to step outside". I lost it. The noise I made wasn't real. Nice reference.

A Nazi Waverider with a Nazi Gideon with the voice of Moira! That was so great. And did Cisco just call Gideon "disembodied computer voice lady"? Lol.

It was great see Sari in costume and finally able to join a fight. Amaya and her make a great team.

The ending scene, well, I have mixed feelings. I really wanted Stein to marry them, but Dig just did the trick. The double wedding was seen a mile ago. Their vows were so good and heartfelt. That scene was so heart-warming and unbelievably beautiful. Great acting there, especially Candice's. However, it annoyed me that they got married without Joe being there. They could've easily brought him.

Everything was flowing, we were about to have our West-Allen perfect wedding but Felicity just stopped Dig mid-sentence when he was about to pronounce them husband and wife. Let me get this straight, I don't hate Olicity, I've never had. I just hate the way it is written. Felicity is a hypocrite most of the time and Oliver ignores her flaws because at the end they're kind of cute. Actually, they're cute as a couple.

If Felicity wants to marry Oliver, go for it, but there're ways and ways of doing it. Rule number one: don't fucking hijack someone's wedding! At least she should've let Dig pronounced them husband and wife and then ask him to marry them too. That's just rude. Writing her like this is what makes people hate her. I'm happy that for once they stopped the will-they-won't-they stuff, though.

How did Dig know everyone's full names? That was unbelievable. Ollie and Felicity I understand, but Barry and Iris too? Lol.

Dig feeling sick and vomiting after being arrived at super speed will never ever get old. It always makes me giggle.

Overall, AMAZING CROSSOVER. Very movie-like and not focused on the show airing. Writers, please, you should always keep this format: 2 day crossover event, 4 hours of pure fun guaranteed. That's how you do it. And I thought last year's crossover couldn't be toped. Little did I know!
It was so much fun to watch. I enjoyed it more than words can describe. Thank you writers for making me feel like a 5-year-old again watching my heroes on screen.

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