Wow....this episode was so bad... it's on its own league. After like 10 minutes i started to play on my phone something. From time to time i rose my eyes on it and went straight back to the game. This show should have ended last episode.... now nothing happens.!? Why do we keep seeing Darleene and Angela!? They are not doing anything...they dont bring any plot...they're just 2 hysterical women.. that cry... and that's it. Filler can skip it completely!!!

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@ramadri This wasn't filler, this was a very important episode, it explains how Elliot deals with what he did and what he's about to do next. The performances in this episode are just perfect, the acting is amazing. It doesn't surprise me that many people don't get this episode just like it doesn't surprise me that most people like bad movies with nonstop action in it but no real content. A movie or a TV show can never be just action or fast paced all the time, it has to slow down at times to make the characters evolve, as long as there is character development, the episode is never filler. But obviously, you wouldn't get that until you watch a lot of TV and a lot of movies like I did throughout my life. It's only after watching every great TV show that exists and most of the great movies that exist that you can truly start appreciating episodes like this one, movies or tv shows with no real content and only action and stuff that keep happening with no character development never interest me. For me, there has to be some good character development so you can start caring about these characters a lot more. Angela and Darlene not even in 1/3 of the episode so your comment makes no sense. The ending shows that Elliot is about to try to undo all his mistakes and this time around, he seems to be able to control Mr. Robot better so he might actually win.
