This season, I've been fast-forwarding through all of the White House nonsense so that I can follow the Hannah stuff and only the Hannah stuff. As such, it was beyond disappointing to come to realize that they've apparently put the story involving FLOTUS and her mother on hold and have sent Hannah on a trip overseas with POTUS for some reason that I don't even care to contemplate. And to make matters worse, I caught some bits of Hanna on some field mission with Mike over there, of all people. Which would never happen in the real world. But then again, the White House Counsel would never be doing personal lawyering work for an ethical president, either. And on and on. Either the writers for this show are beyond stupid or they just assume that the audience is. I'll keep fast-forwarding through episodes in the future and it will take all of a minute or two (as this one did) to cover it all if they don't have Hannah focused on the FLOTUS story. Because that's the only thing that I'm remotely interested in at this point, and even that is far from the most compelling television out there. But White House Secret Service agents playing Rambo? That's something that I can do without.

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