The moment Daryl and Tara set their rogue plan in few episodes prior, we know Rick's plan - and TWD's plot - is already doomed. That's what this episode is basically: how we see Daryl and Tara ruin everything. Two things don't seem to make sense in ensuring that happens: 1) what are the purpose of the snipers "covering" Daryl and Tara? 2) How do the zombies even enter the compound through the small hole the truck caused? The apparent build up in previous episodes only lead up to nothing in this episode. This is only make worse with the weird resolve among The Scavengers when dealing with Rick. They have the advantages against Rick, yet they don't take any action and opt to change their mind that quickly. That two plot points lay the foundation for this episode, but they both open a glaring plot hole that it feels like the episode is just a way to go through to the "ultimate showdown".

Putting that aside, this is one decent episode for Eugene character development. His allegiance shows that in the end he is just an opportunist, selfish guy. He inhibits the "loser" character trope: a guy who sees themselves highly but lacking attention he wanted. Eugene keeps on seeing himself as the smarter guy, but nobody ever appreciated him. Negan sees through this and keep on praising him up. Negan made Eugene feels worthy. It's something Eugene's former teammate (Rick and co) never did. It only makes sense, out of his opportunistic character and him getting the praises he always wanted, that Eugene chooses to side with Negan. This is one development that has been consistent since Eugene's defection to Negan.

The fact that it makes the character annoys the viewer seems to show how convincing Eugene is; he's not a typical villain or dumb secondary character we usually see in horror flicks, he is more akin to that co-worker who overestimate their own capability and push everyone aside to rise up in office politics.

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