[5.3/10] Pretty mild and “meh” episode. There’s solid premises all around, but both stories kind of hit the most obvious jokes and don’t bring much to the table (or ice as it may be).

The bit with Mac and Charlie training for Mac to make a center ice shot should have been good, but it just hit the notes you’d expect. The montage parody was done better by South Park, and while there’s a few yuks to be had from Mac’s inability to “get” hockey over showmanship, there’s not much humor there. The fantasy/blooper fakeout was pretty obvious and the green screen stuff didn’t help.

The B-story, with Dennis and Dee trying to do there own podcast, wasn’t much better. The parade of all their exes is, again, a solid idea, but there just weren’t enough laughs there. (Though I did get a big kick out of Dennis’s NPR surprise voice when asking Ben about the war.) Going for substance and hitting Jerry Spinger is a pretty standard bit and it didn’t make the most of the returning characters.

Overall, nothing here that’s so bad, but little to recommend it either.

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