Fare the well, Twelve and Mr. Capaldi! You were a very underrated Doctor but you made that role your own. Also, welcome Jodie Whittaker! Cannot wait to see Thirteen in action. However, did this show really have to end with a women are bad drivers trope? Since it was Moffat's farewell as well, I shouldn't be surprised.

Not gonna l lie: I think I'm going to miss Twelve's hair most of all.

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@krystalgoderitch Considering that Capaldi also didn't know how to drive the TARDIS when he appeared, it was, at least, consistent.

@krystalgoderitch Ten immediately crashed, Eleven nearly fell out himself, and Twelve couldn't remember how to fly it. Post-Regen seems to be problematic time.

@krystalgoderitch I love to hate Moffat as much as anyone, but to be fair Whittaker's scene isn't Moffat's but Chibnall's already. And yeah, also in line with other post-Regen scenes.
