Review by maddog

Dr. Ken 2015

Granted, this show isn’t great. Started watching it after Last Man Standing on ABC's comedy nights and wasn’t really into it, but I do enjoy family sitcoms so I decided to give a try. To sum up the show in one word: Eh. There are a few things to note before you start watching.

  1. It grows on you. I thought the first few episodes I saw were just crappy overall. Jokes seemed forced, humor seemed barely there, etc. However, the more I watch, the more it seems to grow. It’s still kind of off and on, but some of the jokes have gotten funnier and the episodes have gotten more entertaining.

  2. It’s not deep. It’s target audience is families, and I think it’s time slot was between Last Man Standing and Shark Tank. If you consider yourself a "TV-aholic" or think you have a credible opinion on which shows can be deemed good or bad, this probably isn’t the show for you. However, if you’re a family looking for a sitcom you can all enjoy, or a bored parent who wants to kill some time, this show can provide you with some decent laughs at points.

I’d say 6/10

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