This was the end of the four years of the 12th Doctor and the eight years of Steven Moffat as show runner (although he had been writing some of the most iconic episodes beginning with THE EMPTY CHILD in 2005) and to mark this landmark event, I, with great self restraint, ignored the PVR broadcast of December 25 in favour of watching it on a big Cinematic screen on the 27th, which heightened my experience substantially. To sit in a practically sold out theatre with other passionate fans, appropriately emoting, transformed the experience. The theatre also had two featurettes. One before the episode giving a retrospective on both Peter Capaldi's Doctor and Moffat's stirling contributions, and one following the episode about The Making of TWICE UPON A LIFETIME which pointed out smaller Easter eggs, as well as overarching touches, I might not have noticed or fully appreciated. I highly recommend taking advantage of these Cinematic events when they are available to you at your local movie theatre.

To be honest I was ready for Capaldi to step down and for Moffat to pass on the gauntlet. The 12th was my least favourite of the new Doctors and I felt the writers were running out of juice and the show needed fresh eyes. This final episode was a fitting wrap up. Although long in exposition and short on adventure it payed homage to the scope of DOCTOR WHO and especially of the Doctor of Peter and Steven's childhood. It resolved some losses, gave the fans unexpected treats, used a unique historical moment to anchor the ethos of the series, and gave the 13th an adventurous start. Had I not seen it in a cinema I probably would have rated it a 7.5 (fitting) out of 10 (which was how I felt when I rewatched the PVR version on the 28th), but with all the bells and whistles of the BIG showing I give this a 8.5 (touchingly nostalgic) out of 10.

And, now, bring on Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnal. I'm ready!

And to the naysayers who feel that the first female Doctor begins by crashing the TARDIS, I say "Perhaps it was the last man who blew the system up in his deferred dramatic departure." [Iconic SciFi, Fantasy, Advenure, Drama]

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