Review by Deleted

I did not like Twelve at first and thought his first season was just plain bad. I might change my mind if I give it another chance, but I don't want to go through it again. Twelve's second season proved that Peter Capaldi was a very capable Doctor, and his third season showed us he was good. Here, he was great. He really is, at least in my opinion, just an older version of Eleven. The DW Eleven, that is... not the Stranger Things one. Because that would be weird.

I think a big problem with the Capaldi years was that his companions were simply not very good. Nine and Ten had Rose, and Ten also had Donna and Martha, who weren't as good as Rose, but had their moments. Then Eleven had Amy and Rory, who were brilliant. Clara was always just so-so, never getting out of Amy Pond's shadow, and Bill was just... weird. Of course, the best side character was Jack Harkness, and the show hasn't been the same since he disappeared, though his conclusion was very satisfying, connecting him to another character.

Honestly, I see this as a turning point for the longest running sci-fi show. Twelve, and to a lesser extent Eleven, simply covered ground previously tread With a female Doctor, we have a chance to change the dynamic and possibly go to some new places. Going across the pond in the other direction (as an American) and seeing Japan's biggest export about a guy and girl switching places resonating with so many people, maybe the Doctor doing the same, in a manner of speaking, will reach similar qualities.

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