I don't know what happened here in the editing room, but some people need to get their salary retracted xD

Poorly written and edited, shots i completely did not understand or add anything to a scene, incredibly pale musical score, nonsensical situations, anticlimactic, badly paced, a lot of slow action scenes, rushed storyline, strange tone shifts that didn't give the decent acting by Serkis and Harrelson any payoff, no real character development except for the 'bad' guy (kinda?) Yes, what is that about? xD. And I tried to avoid a rant here and just sum up my complaints, because I didn't really hate it that much (just 5/10.)

The worst is the movie is actually not even bad enough to be remembered for it being actually bad. And that is probably the worst thing you can achieve as a movie.

Ok ok ok, they got a point for CGI.

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