Not gonna lie, the ending sucks. It's the right ending for the story, and maybe it could have made sense with a couple more episodes. But it feels so rushed, and so many threads are left unfinished and it really really makes no sense.

First what didn't happen, even if we knew it for a while. No meeting between Lily and Ethan. That was an interesting story. We didn't get to see Mr Hyde, huge disappointment. The creature's storyline has been completely separated and then so pointless. At some point Victor discovered he knew Vanessa, never exploited. The others never find out what he did. Or that Dorian's immortal. Or what Lily is. Or that Ethan is the Lupus Dei.

Sure the show is supposed to be about Vanessa. But then why the other ? The creature's story has had no point for a while. Same for Lily and Dorian, so boring, and no link to the main story. Then what was the point of them when so many more interesting things have been left unexploited ?

Victor just bumps into the others and follows. That's... ok, nobody's even thought about him the whole season. Well, he deserved to be part of the ending, come on, then he should have not been left on the side until the last minute.

The fight is pretty good. As always, Cat is a beast. So badass, so interesting, why would they introduce her so late ?? It's a little plot armory though: even Victor kills vampires on vampires, just as good a shot and fighter as Ethan, come on. But, despite Kaetenay's tallk of giving Ethan the power to save her, he doesnt even use it there. No vampire/werewolf fight, huge letdown.

Then come Vanessa. And it's totally wrong. Did she really become the Mother of Evil ? No, that would have been more interesting. She wants to be killed. She does not even fight, or need to be convinced. So maybe Dracula tricked her, but she does not seem under a charm, or to have been coerced, and he does not seem to have any doubt about her either. Supposedly they've been together for over a week. But if she's not evil, or forced against her will, why did she even agree in the first place ? Why did she not just kill Dracula, because she totally could have. Or at least refuse him and not release a plague that kills thousand of people ? Or maybe she just had a moment of weakness and now has remorse ? But she is not even conflicted one way or another. What was the point of all this ? This doesn't make any sense. It's clearly missing at least another episode in the middle to develop this point.

As for Dracula, what was the point of pushing him so hard, making him supposedly so terrible that even Lucifer his shitting his pants next to him ? He was winning, but she is dead and he just leaves... He's not killing all of thel in anger ? No even attempting revenge on the man that killer her ? He's just "well, damned", and disappears ?

I'm not complaining that it's not a happy ending, or that Vanessa dies, it's a rather fitting ending. But all the rest ? What a massacre on a show that was so mastered until then. This episode is a huge disappointment and clearly does not does credit to everything that came before.

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I completely agree you! I was so sure we’d see Mr. Hyde. What was the point of introducing him if we weren’t? I loved Cat, but I would’ve preferred Mr. Lyle. We had so much history with him. There was just too many loose ends.
