Ok, let's face it. Original Star Wars was heaven on Earth when I watched it. Watched it again and it had that "80s bad acting aura" when I re watched it. You know, the ridiculous unrealistic fight scenes that were a must at the time. But still loved it so I was fine with that.

Then came the Disney inspired nonsense. I walked out of one and did not even watch another one. Just horrible.

So now this. I was worried after it started with a kid doing some stuff (the new ones had them perform like the best genius whatever which killed it for me). But no worries, was all fine.

Without giving spoilers, it was good. Vader's voice sucked but that was the biggest drawback. I watched and probably not watch it again but it was ok. Maybe I am just the original Star Wars dude and cannot get new ones. Then again I liked every new Bond movie or Fast Furious. Watch it and rate it :)

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