[5.9/10] Pretty easily the worst of the series so far. It feels like someone at the show got studio notes that said, “You’re on network television! You have to show the consequence of drug use!” and so we ended up with this episode.

To wit, the bits about Nick being addicted to pot and Lindsay getting high for the first time felt a bit too after school special-y. For one thing, the Freaks giving up pot story went nowhere and just ended. Maybe they’ll pick it up in the next episode, but it’s like someone just forgot about that group and moved on without thinking about them after the halfway point.

Lindsay’s part of the story was odd too. Her freaking out a babysitting while high didn’t really click as Lindsay's affect came off a little too cartoonish. And while I like the pathos they gave to Millie here -- the realization both that she’d lost a friend and that Lindsay was looking for something missing in the wrong places -- that only intermittently led to interesting moments.

I will give the show kudos for having the chutzpah to feature a teenage girl stating that she doesn’t believe in God on network television. Lots of kids end up questioning their faith at that age, especially after tough events like losing a relative that can leave people feeling a bit lost, and it’s noteworthy to see the series addressing that, even in abbreviated fashion.

On the other end, I like the show’s attempt to humanize Alan the bully, but the actor just doesn’t have the chops to pull off the character’s heartfelt monologue, and the story about him being into comic books and sci-fi but feeling excluded by our Geeks in fourth grade comes off too writerly and contrived.

There is something worthwhile in Bill actually being at medical risk because of his allergies, mostly through the great scene between his mom and Sam’s mom. But the stuff around it doesn’t really work. Sam and Neal using the event to score sympathy affection from girls is kind of gross, and again, the bits with Alan could have been good, but come off forced. I’ll admit to finding Bill’s crush on his teacher (Leslie Mann!) pretty cute though.

Overall, a definite misfire with the show, with a few nice moments, but not enough to really recommend the episode.

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