Review by FLY
BlockedParent2018-03-04T17:54:10Z— updated 2018-04-15T20:17:47Z

The little suburb intro was funny. And it's nice that it wasn't too long.

New villain starts a little weak. The whole, death is beautiful, it allows new things to grow speech ? Please can we do any more cliche than that ? Then you add the even more cliche where the villain kill his own man beacause he's displeased with his performance. Can we stop doing that please ? Isn't there any other way to say look, this is a bad guy! ? Neal McDonough though, there's some potential there. And despite that there's the You don't know who I am do you ? I'm Damien Darhk moment that is totally badass. So let's just hope that this beginning was just inclusive writing for the part of the audience that is too stupid to acknowledge a villain if it's not written in blood on his face and that we will move past that now that it's done.

It looks like they don't even try anymore to hide what they do. Like Laurel calls John instead of 911 and then gets away ? And then she's in the police hq, during an attack, and nobody questions her presence ? They're also openly discussing their night activities in the police station. Are all the cops in on it ? Oh look, it's Lance's daughter doing her vigilante thing again. And she thinks we don't know, how cute. How about the Green Arrow announcement ? Can anyone not recognize him ?

By the way the conversation between the Lances was surreal. They're explicitly looking for important city events, there's the main train station opening, he even lists it, that's probably the biggest thing to happen for months (years ?), and nobody registers it ? COME ON ! How bad can you be at your jobs.

Also Lance is working with the bad guy. So switching back again between good and bad, being friend/ennemy with Arrow's team. It already happened a dozen times, can we move past it ? Is this really the only thing he can bring to the show ?

Petty complaints at the train action:
1) How would the guy hear him jumping on the train over the noise ? And be stupid enough to open the door ?
2) We can see the length of the train during the first scene, and when they're next to it, there are definitely enough cars passing by to make the whole train, but it never seems to stop
3) How did Dig get on board ?
4) Did he not just blow the last wagons ? Would it be enough to stop the whole train ? Why not shoot the engine ?
5) Was the train empty ?
6) Wasn't the explosion a little weak ?

Flashbacks are back on Lian Yu again, without much surprise. They'll soon be out of time left for that, hope the story's interesting.

And the someone's gonna die preview. That sucks. This is something that will probably be ignored for 10 episodes, it was a really bad choice to put it there, even more because I bet it will turn out to be totally insignificant. Someone who's already dead ? Someone we haven't met yet ? From the Lian Yu flashbacks ? I'm willing to bet not a significant character. Barry's presence suggests Felicity, but I don't buy that. Or not dead for real maybe, just to protect her.

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