Review by Vero
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-03-08T23:02:46Z— updated 2018-03-12T22:51:52Z

Congratulations to Kim Rhodes. I never thought it was possible but she really made me hate her character.
Every single time she appeared on acne I just wanted to punch her in the face. Her actions make no damn sense. She claims to want to restructure the team in order to make it better but instead she's dismantling it with stupid reasons such as "This needs to be done faster. If I do something that endangers someone and the killer is put down its your fault because it takes long for the process to work". Or my favourite " Rossi spends too much time with his family. That shows how little he cares about his job". That's just pathetic.

The case was interesting, though. A bit easier to solve but it served it's purpose. Reed's behaviour was weird and pretty reckless but that was the writers' way to bring Emily back just in time for the bad news to come.

I loved how each one of the members rolled their eyes like saying "Can you believe her?". You could feel their emotions and how eager were they to punch her in the face. The only thing Barnes wants is to get a better job. She has good contacts and everyone does what she says. I can't believe that someone agreed with her in saying that the case was the team's fault.

I think we all know this isn't going to be the end of the team and theyretmakinv it way too easy for us to hate Barnes with all we've got, but I don't see the point of the witch hunt. Yeah, they've made some mistakes but Barnes isn't holding on to them. She's giving stupid ideas to make a name for herself by hurting others.

I love Kim Rhodes and every character that she plays. This gotta be the only exception. Never would I've thought I'd hate Zack and Cody's mom so much.

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