Man, the clown's outfit looks incredibly hot to work in. It's fuzzier and thicker than the rabbit suit I wore in Alice in Wonderland some years ago, and that was hot enough to be uncomfortable under a few stage lights. Film lights are considerably hotter.

According to Tom Paris, Voyager was designed for "combat performance". Seems an odd design goal for a ship built to undertake scientific missions, doesn't it? Sorry, Tom. Voyager's no warship.

All that processing power and the system still takes "a few minutes" to process brain activity? Bull.

Speaking of bull, "your legs are restrained" is hard to believe when his shackles keep his heels from getting too far apart, not too close together. That strap won't do much to keep his feet apart either.

The entire premise of this episode is flimsier than two pieces of two-by-four held together with common office staples. Admittedly, the carnival gambit is fun for a few minutes, but it doesn't support the story very well. Janeway's verbalized thoughts don't sound like her, they're too stilted. And the aliens just… are there, I guess. They're no more real characters than the inhabitants of the clown's festival.

I honestly don't know where to start with this one. The best I can say about it? Still a better love story than "Threshold".

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