Shout by deadcow7

Annihilation 2018

Films that pretend to be really smart but in fact aren't are bound to be more disappointing than films that don't pretend to be anything at all. I can't get my mind around how Alex Garland thought showing a character barfing light while yelling "annihilation" would seems like a satisfying ending (well, it's close to the ending) to a film that is set up in such a "look at how smart I am" way. Same goes for the old trick "kill one = kill all" (with a phosphorus grenade, in this case).
I get the fact that there are lots of ending theories and "hidden meanings", but even these seem really easy to set up if for a movie that doesn't really settle on anything at all. Guess I am just tired of films whose initial "mystery" pulls you in and whose endings aren't anywhere NEAR as interesting as the initial mystery. Okay, I'll stop rambling now.

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